Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday late afternoon at La Bastide du Bois Breant - Maubec

I would have have liked to report that we had a long but uneventful trip to Provence.  But alas, that was not the case.  The trip was long -- true.  We had cramped seating, of course, on the big jumbo 777 jet and though uncomfortable, Marie and I both slept part of the trip to Paris.  The food was edible though not great and Marie ate little of her pasta, all of her salad.  It was a half hour out from CDG when Marie got up to visit the W.C. and the next minute she was lying in the aisle of the jet completely passed out, and unresponsive to me.  I dropped to the floor and held her head and called her name, but she was not there!  Terrified again (memories of last year's ordeal flooded my mind), I realized that there was a young man behind me who obviously wanted to be closer to Marie but did not want to displace me.  I could tell that he could be of more use to Marie than I, since I was doing nothing helpful, so I moved a little to give him access.  Later he identified himself as Laurent, un medicin!  The stewards and stewardesses were great, and brought pillows and oxygen quickly, and then supplied Laurent with a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope.  Laurent's English wasn't very good, but good enough to reassure me that "this is nothing serious".  Still, it wasn't over quickly.  Even after Marie was back in her seat, protesting that she was fine, she fainted again.  Twice I ordered and then cancelled the medical team planned to meet us at landing.  When Laurent suggested that we delay our trip to Provence for a couple of days and just go to the hospital to get a checkup, I was reminded of how quickly I jumped out of the wheelchair I found myself in after fainting while visiting my Grandfather in hospital.  There was NO WAY Marie was going to the hospital instead of Provence!  Since she was fully back in her head and body, the decision was now out of my hands, which didn't mean I wasn't worried, but we went on-- on to a full strenuous day of travel by train -- lugging suitcases up and down staircases and running for trains.  And Marie was strong and fit and conscious!  It was a trying day but a wonderful one, made all the better by our knowing how lucky we are to be where we are - healthy and together.

1 comment:

  1. This is scary. Is mom doing OK? Are people known to faint during flights? I've never seen anyone do that before on all the flights I've been on.

    I'm glad things have been better since the flight. Your later posts sound wonderful and so very relaxing. Enjoy and be well!
    -- Michelle
